Samstag, 9. Januar 2016

My Yoga Diary - Continuing Yoga

I slipped back into bad habits...
... stopped my daily yoga after three weeks...

... now trying to get back!

Here's my second and third week
from my previous attempt:

Day 8: I practise around midday time, somewhere between waking up and brunch. Lots of yawning, feeling sleepy. Didn't notice my tiredness while I was sitting on the computer before. I am glad and grateful for the simple sequences. After yoga, I have a green smoothie and go back to bed for a nap. 

Days 9 - 13: I practice the "Lazy Dog" sequence without much news.

Day 14: I've postponed my practice until the evening today. I feel not very motivated and tired. So I stop the video after about ten minutes and then just do my two favorite postures on my own before shavasana. Notice a little pain in my leg at "Happy Baby". Defintely not my best day. 

Day 15: I get home really late and tired after a long hard day. No time or motivation for yoga. Just want to sleep. 

Day 16: I practise in the early evening hours. Not the best time, outside noises are disturbing. Also, my own perfectionsim is getting the better of me today. I feel disgusted at myself for my plumpness and because I still only do the "Lazy Dog" course, and even that I can't do perfectly. Ah, accepting oneself and one's own kleshas! It's not easy! Especially when you're a fat elephant like me!

Day 17: I have to take care when I'm on morning shift to not keep postponing my practice until I say "ah, it's too late now anyway"! I feel good today. It's easy to just "be there", in the movements. 

Day 18: Was looking forward to my practice today and enjoying it. I heard you should not shower right after yoga, so I shower just before and enjoy the refreshed feeling. By day 18, I know the course almost by heart and that is comforting. It's easy getting into the asanas, but also this course - the "Lazy Dog" - is "just right" for me, right now. Less shaky around the postures, feeling more confident. Slight pain in my leg, but not to let that bother me - it's habitual and will be gone again with time. 

Day 19: As I feel healthy and motivated and it's day 19, I want to do the "Good Dog" course instwead of "Lazy Dog". I can follow the course without major problems, but I make adaptations for my state of health, i.e. my leg that hurts. After Vrksasana, it hurts a lot - just can't put all my weight on that leg! I then go with less effort on the right leg and the rest of the course goes quite fine. 

Day 20: I go back to the "Lazy Dog" sequence for day 20. Feeling calm and confident with the familiar asanas. 

Day 21: Skipped

I then skipped because doctors found out the reason behind my chronic pain in the right leg - a herniated disc in my lower back pressures on the sciatic nerve. I then concluded to stop yoga for a while until I could be sure to not hurt my back more with any posture. 

That seems to be fine, though. Yoga should be rather helpful than giving me pain. So, with the thumbs up from my docs, I'll restart.  

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