Here is a summary of my stay at the health resort:
Travelling there:
My "final meal" before departing
Train was late
After about ten hours of travel during the night
(in a very uncomfy night train),
at around midday I can finally get to my wonderful room in Alland.
Days 1 - 3:
Can be read in detail in the posts before.
Day 4: Any scales, fins or webs?
Saturday still meant getting up early for breakfast, but we got good coffee and even a little "butter flower" and strawberry confiture. Then lectures to healthy alimentation (alimentation pyramid?) and the health risks increasing with being overweight (know about sleep apnoe?). Fat-free yogurt and sugarfree Red Bull - a junkie stays a junkie. Healthy spelt burgers for lunch, after lunch no more program, but the pool was open, so I went there. Stayed in the water more than three-and-a-half hours, swimming, rejoicing, enjoying massage jets, and for a short time (illicitly) playing waterball. But mostly swimming. If that's not enough, I also was on the hometrainer after the pool cycling 7km. Dinner was cheese again :( cottage cheese and light slices. Had a orange and went to the tepidarium to sweat a bit. Then watching "Despicable Me 2" in bed. Great day!
Day 5: Tranquil Sunday
Breakfast wholegrain bread with vegetarian spread and loooooots of coffee (not used to breakfast at 07:15 on a Sunday). Then lecture about measures to reduce weight - also about surgical methods. Was interesting. Lunch was broccoli soup and tofu with potatoes, accompanied with apple tea. I am drinking lots of tea here as it is offered a lot in big containers to fill cups and cans. After lunch I had a long nap and then cycled 5km on the hometrainer. Dinner was cold again, cheese, vegetable spread, a bit of wholegrain bread and a tiny salad. I've been thinking about further reducing my calories down to 800kcal, but it would only be a short kilo kick, because at home I would continue with the 1.100kcal I've been assigned. After a short rest I did a bit of gymnastics to a video I found on youtube. Was fun. After that I snacked on some dried fruits. After all, I've reached my first weight goal today. GO ME!
Day 6: Full power day
Fountain at hydrotherapy
Changing room/entry to cardio training room
A full power training day, and the first day I noticed real hunger (in spite of great food). Between breakfast and lunch I could have bitten off a piece of the chair, same between lunch and dinner. Sooooo hungry and anxious. Breakfast was sweet with Becel and light confiture, then full throttle: 20 min. crosstraining, 5 min. cycling, 20 min. weights. After that I was hungryyyyyy, but only a short pause, then gymnastics. Finally lunch, delicious: potato wedges with vegetables and a herb dip, as dessert a tiny piece of apple strudel. Right after lunch I desperately needed a nap. Then I had an introduction into Autogenous Training (self-hypnosis for relaxation), very relaxing. Dinner was warm today, too: Some kind of vegetable patties with a paprika sauce, accompanied by a light and small chocolate pudding for dessert. After that a leftover peach (I was still hungry!), and at 18:30 to the pool. But not much chance of swimming today, too many people, it was just too full. Rather aquajogging in the same place than swimming, but better than nothing... one-and-a-half hours. Let's see if it helps on the scale.
Day 7: New ways

After breakfast a lecture on carbohydrates and sugar. A big theme were drinks and the hidden sugar in them. We all know about cola and lemonade, but did you think a quarter litre of butter milk with berry flavor could also contain about 13 sugar cubes? Baaaaaah! After a (sugarfree) Red Bull I had Parafango mud, again very relaxing. Great lunch with a sauce of pureed vegetables. Took muesli and an apple as snacks today (you can always select a milk product and a piece of fruit at breakfast). Soon after lunch walking group. The weather was great. Then 20 min. of weight training, exercising my flabby muscles. But it wasn't enough for me, and the weather was so great I wanted to get out. Did a short exploring trip through the woods, and was just walking through the resort's park again when three men were walking past me that wanted to go down to the town. I went with them, we had a coffee and then slowly went back before supper. Two-and-a-half hours of walking added to my count. Tomorrow the scale is waiting, and I hope it will bring me joy. Now tepidarium. Sweat some more.
Day 8: All new for fall
Before breakfast weight control, all well :)
After breakfast talking to the doctor, all well :)
20 min. of crosstraining, my favorite apart from water. Then dietary tips and tricks from the psychologist. (Psyche plays a big role when wanting to lose weight.)
Gymnastics for the joints. Lunch was salad, wholegrain noodles with mushrooms, and a cream with gelatine (sort of light version for pannacotta) with berry sauce. After lunch there was a lot of turmoil in my belly and I had to take some rest, but after two hours it was better. Walking group with fall weather, cloudy and a slight drizzle. Back in the house wonderful Parafango. To be honest I was a bit of a sinner afterwards. Had a sugarfree Red Bull AND A DIET ICE CREAM in the café afterwards. Highlight of the day was the "guided meditation and relaxation with music". It was a wonderful experience, very deep. Touched me way more than the Autogenous Training or self-hypnosis. Supper was cheese, bread and salad. Then HAIRDRESSER - no more "fat violet"!!! I'm dark-haired again!!!
Day 9: Deep relaxation
After breakfast five minutes of ultrasonic treatment for my leg. Very pleasant. Then sitting cycle, reha counselling (unnecessary 15 minutes), and then weights, today only for the upper part of the body. Was very tired all morning, but it got better eventually. Lunch was vegetable soup (there is always some kind of soup) and rice pudding. The afternoon was relaxing with Parafango. Then today's highlight: I was missing my bathtub until now. That feeling was forgotten today as I got a huge bathtub full of dreamy-dreamy lavender bubbles. After the amazing bath there was a lecture from the psychologist about methods to use hypnosis for weight loss. She did a practical exercise with us, trying to link an inner image of our thin future self with our "now" self through a typical movement we make several times a day. Let's see if that's any help. Supper was salad with lentils and cheese. The pool would be open today, but I'm tired.
Day 10: Time for a treat
At nine another lavender bath, then ultrasonic treatment, then weight training. Gave my all today and moved 13 tons in 40 minutes. Yeah! I'm a strong woman! Lunch asparagus soup, salad, potatoes with vegetables and apple compot. In the afternoon a lymph drainage massage. After that I would have had walking group and parafango, but was given free from both. From fango because heat after lymphing is not good. From the walking group because I had to drive down to the pharmacy with the resort's driver to get something (there was a doubt of something - but it's nothing, don't get excited). At 17:45 like every day, dinner. Friday here is "treat day" and we get some extra. Last time it was the Twix. Today we didn't get anything sweet, BUT we got awesome PIZZA with mushrooms for dinner!!! Mmmmm! After this great surprise I played a bit of ludo with other patients, was a lot of fun, because we did really mess up each other's plans :P
The weekend will be very relaxed, no therapies on the plan.
Day 11: Halftime
Achieved my second weight goal and fit again into those jeans
Half of my time here is already gone. The time flew so fast. I'm looking forward to the next days. Am not really "homesick", but miss "my people". Love ya! Today again sweet breakfast with butter and light passion fruit confiture. Then another patient and me drove to Vösendorf for shopping. Everybody bought what they needed - he bought eletronics, me detergent for washing my clothes in the resort and everyone a bit of other stuff, I also found a faux leather jacket that's pretty cool. For lunch we were back in the resort. There was soup and a huge portion of vegetables with noodles and sauce, couldn't even finish it all. Dessert was "treat day", part 2: A tiny cup of ice cream. Nom. After lunch, full as I was, I took a nap and could barely get up again. I still got myself to the pool and swam for an hour. After that I had pure dumb luck to find the washing machine not being currently used and tossed my laundry in. Supper was bread with vegetable spread, green and yellow peppers, and a few cherry tomatoes. Finished the day with an hour of sweating in the tepidarium.
Day 12: Walk, sleep, music
Not much action today. After breakfast I took a long walk of about one-and-a-half hours with a female patient. Then spent the rest of the morning playing games on the laptop. Lunch was tasty pumpkin soup and vegetables with spelt burgers. Then took a long nap, and spent the last hours of the afternoon on the terrace (with moderate sun) listening to music. Supper was salad with lots of cheese. Was a relaxing day.
Day 13: Barely bread, but games
Breakfast was a slice of wholegrain bread with spread cheese and a slice of normal bread with Becel and confiture. And lots of coffee. After breakfast ultrasonics and lavender bath. At eleven gymnastics (doing something for better arterial flow), then lunch, today noodles with gorgonzola sauce. In the afternoon a massage for the leg, Parafango for the back and aquagymnastics for fun. Supper were vegetables, potatoes and a sort of berry milkshake. In the evening I sat with other patients playing a card game, "Phase 10". Was a lot of fun. I started with faaaaaar too many points until I got the hang of the game and ultimately even won :) :P :)
Day 14: Belly problems
Today (with excuses) my biggest problem was my digestion. A lot of chuntering in my belly. Had weight control in the morning, then breakfast, then a lecture about fats. At eleven gymnastics, today with a ball. Lunch was soup, vegetable curry with rice, and a mini strawberry cake. In the afternoon a lavender bath, a massage for the leg and ultrasonic treatment. Then visiting the café having a sugarfree Red Bull and salt pretzels, had to tranquilize my upset bowels. Worked well, for supper all was ok again, and I could have spaghetti with veggie sauce and a salad. In the evening played Skip-Bo (card game) with other patients.
Day 15: One more week
Next week I'm already back home. There I have to continue the good habits I'm training here. Eat healthy with a regular meal schedule, enough soft movement, sleep well and relax a lot. Then the results of my stay here will be permanent and I will further lose weight and my health will get better and better. Today at 07:15 like every day breakfast, again sweet with Becel and strawberry confiture. At 09:30 aquagymnastics with small balls, then crosstraining. For lunch vegetable soup, cheese toast with tomato slices, and for dessert apple pieces in a cinnamon-yogurt-sauce. In the afternoon gymnastics and lymphdrainage massage. A short nap, then supper with bread and three different spreads. Now watching "Under the Dome", then straight to bed, tomorrow up early for a blood check.
Day 16: Water, training, and chocolate
Today blood check at 06:10. On the plan. In reality it was about half an hour later, but I still had to get up early and wait. After breakfast (bread and vegetarian spread) a lavender bath before going into the even bigger "bathtub", the pool, for aquagymnastics. For lunch there was soup (like always), mushroom goulash with noodles, and chocolate pudding with a lot of cherries. In the afternoon crosstraining and weights, and at 15:00 a lecture about the psychology of obesity. The psychologist did an "indulgence exercise" with us: we had to take a tiny bit of chocolate and feel it with all senses. We had to look at it, smell it, let it melt on the tongue suuuuuuper slowly. And repeat, until the tiny piece of chocolate (broken down into even tinier pieces) was nothing more but a melted spot on the wrapper. And until 18 minutes had passed and we felt like we just had about two 100grams bars of chocolate, when after all we didn't have more than an ounce. But even the thought of more chocolate was almost overwhelmingly NAUSEATING after that. We've just had enough - after that tiny bit! The psychologist wanted to show us how "taking our time with food" can significantly reduce the ingered amount. Then she explained us that "food should never ever be used as a reward". We have to find other rewards, other gratification for ourselves. Things that make us happy and have nothing to do with food, and that don't depend on certain other people or a very full wallet either. Allow ourselves to do something good for ourselves and "reward ourselves in the moment, with what we want and need most".
Day 17: Active routine
Today almost immediately after breakfast (wholegrain bread and herb curd) strength training. Did surpass myself and moved 13.400 kilos in 40 minutes. (Don't worry, that still only amounts to 240 calories. Not to get all too slaphappy!) Then aquagymanstics with mini-paddles. Like always, it was total fun. Then final talk with my doctor, Dr. Zuchristian. He is very content. I wanted to lose more weight (have lost some four kilo in these three weeks), but he says rather to lose fat and not only water. Most importantly continue at home. I'm on a good basis now, and all my levels in the blood have gotten significantly better. So, all well and I have good reason to never fall back into old bad habits! Lunch was soup, lentils with squash, and apple compot. After that I've been on the terrace for 45 minutes, it was nice warm and sunny. Then gymanstics, a quick Red Bull in the café, and lymphatic drainage. Then to the terrace again and read a bit, but it got too cold when the sun got lower. Supper was tofu with vegetables and a slice of wholegrain bread. Now a bit of watching TV and then sleep.
Day 18: Just a Saturday
Sweet breakfast with butter and strawberry confiture and much coffee.
Then down to the town to get some money (soon it's driving home again by train).
Chilling until lunch: soup, green salad and a most terrible imitation of mac&cheese. Baaah.
In the afternoon two hours of swimming.
Supper bread with curd cream, then to bed with the TV on and slept in.
Day 19: Starting to miss home
Bored. Didn't do much all day, as there was no program, just hung around, reading, listening to music and drinking Irish Coffee from the automat. At midday soup, noodles with vegetables and tofu, and as a little treat a Duplo. In the evening bread and salad with cheese. There was nooooo action today... but tomorrow a lot!
Day 20: Countdown
At 06:30 final weight control. Am mostly alright with how much I've lost.
Breakfast was sweet with Becel and sugar reducved confiture, then strength training. Moved 13.900 kilos today in 40 minutes. Wooooow, didn't know I'm so strong. Then crosstraining and sitting cycle. After that I was tiiiiiired. At midday soup, rice with vegetables chinese style, and banana yogurt. In the afternoon after a short nap walking group, nice with good weather through the forest. Quick refreshing shower and then lymphatic drainage. Was soooo pleasant! Then took a book and had coffee from the automat. Supper bread, spread cheese and cucumber. After that played a bit of Skip-Bo with other patients. Tomorrow last day with program, and Wednesday evening I'm already back home!
Day 21: Finish line
Today after breakfast a lecture on mindfulness, was interesting and relaxing. Then aquagymnastics. A short massage to the leg and she showed me exercises to do at home to lessen the pain. At eleven more gymnastics. Lunch was soup, and cabbage strudel with potatoes and garlic dip. In the afternoon walking group with pleasant cloudy weather, not too warm, walking through the forest. Later Parafango and to finish it all, sitting cycle. Regain forces with a Red Bull Sugarfree, then at 17:45 dinner was gratinated polenta and a sort of "pear héléne" with chocolate yogurt cream.
So this is the end, my friends... now to get packed up,
tomorrow back home!
It was super nice, but I'm also looking forward to my loved ones at home!
I love you!